Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The Of­fi­cial 5th An­niver­sary Presentation of
Meak Pro­duc­tions’ In­de­pen­dence Day Cam­paign:
I AM THE AMER­I­CAN DREAM (In­de­pen­dence Day V)
Star­ring DYVON and the re­turn of IFA BUMI
with Guest Stars:
Dapharoah 69 and new­com­er, Delante David Meeks!
Featuring the Design Talents of Artistic Vision Productionz

NOW SHOW­ING ON­LINE at: www.meakpro­duc­tions.com
Down­load FREE Wall­pa­pers, Posters and Face­book Time­line Ban­ners

Monday, July 2, 2012

ANTI-GAY One Million Moms Slams JC Penny for Same Sex Father's Day Ad

Here we go again.
Just a few months after anti-gay group One Million Moms launched a campaign to remove Ellen DeGeneres as JCPenney’s spokesperson because of her sexual orientation, the group is boycotting the department store over a new ad featuring a same-sex couple. The Father’s Day ad shows real-life dads Todd Koch and Cooper Smith playing with their children, Claire and Mason. The ad reads:
“First Pals: What makes Dad so cool? He’s the swim coach, tent maker, best friend, bike fixer and hug giver — all rolled into one. Or two.”
One Million Moms, part of the American Family Association, complained that JCPenney was “continuing on the same path of promoting sin” with this new ad, and recommended their supporters write “Refused … Return to sender” on their JCPenney catalog when it arrives. They also advised members to close their JCPenney accounts and talk to their local-store manager about their concerns.
“It is obvious that JCP would rather take sides than remain neutral in the culture war. JCP will hear from the other side so they need to hear from us as well. Our persistence will pay off! We must remain diligent and stand up for Biblical values and truth.”
The last time One Million Moms and JCPenney locked horns, the store responded by standing behind its partnership with DeGeneres, stating that “Ellen represents the values of our company” — and with this kind of proequality advertising, JCPenney is “continuing to reinforce its progressive values.” It’s not the first fight for either of them; in February, JCPenney distributed a Mother’s Day ad featuring two lesbian parents and their daughters; One Million Moms also took a stance against Urban Outfitters after the store featured two women kissing in its catalog in April.