Ryan Allen Carrillo's headshot courtesy of Bradford Rogne
Gay West Hollywood resident Ryan Allen Carrillo has been busy this year. First he planned to open a restaurant with Candis Cayne who is currently performing at Nobu, but the project has apparently fell through. Then he finalized plans to open Bar Varsity, a spectacular new showcase attraction in Gay West Hollywood recently approved by the planning commission. Then the busy Ryan surprised us when he turned up in prime-time television show Expedition Impossible, which has been airing on ABC this summer.
Expedition Impossible takes place in Morocco and had teams travel 500 miles on foot and over 2500 miles total from the borders of Algeria to the finish line in Marrakech.
Ryan and his team, the "FAB 3" made it all the way to the final episode! Ryan's teammates are his ex-boyfriend AJ Gibson and AJ's sister Kari. The four finalists are "FAB 3", "Gypsies", "No Limits", and "Football Players." The winning team will get $150,000 and a new Ford Explorer. Three of the teams are injured entering the final stage, and we have no idea what's going to happen! Ryan has a bad knee injury, is battling horrific foot injuries, lost five toenails, and has a staph infection down his injured leg to his feet!!!
Now is your chance to meet hottie Ryan this Thursday night at Eleven Nightclub for the show's season finale. The show will be aired upstairs followed by Britney Spear's Dancer: TJ Espinoza's Acoustic Night.

BBINT Magazine
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